Law as Science is an academic initiative constituted of U.S. doctoral candidates in law with the goal of promoting different research methodologies.
Methodology should substantiate, support, and verify normative and doctrinal arguments. This enables legal research to be more scientific, which further enables the systematic building of knowledge.
All Law as Science Coordinators and Representatives are S.J.D./J.S.D./Ph.D. law candidates at U.S. law schools. The S.J.D. program is highly selective and is considered the most advanced degree granted by many U.S. law schools. The group of diverse S.J.D. candidates behind Law as Science came together to recognize the importance of methodology in legal research.
Law as Science events are held online, typically around noon E.T. Events are held monthly during the academic year.
You can attend Law as Science events by registering online before the start of the event. All Law as Science events are free of cost. Registration links can be found under the “Events” tab.
Yes! All past Law as Science events are uploaded to our YouTube channel. Our “Archives” tab also contains information about past events.
You can join the Law as Science team by becoming a Representative or Editor. You can also join the Law as Science email list to recieve the latest updates on our events and publications.
If you are interested in speaking at a Law as Science event, please send us a biography and a title and description of your proposed speech to: LawasScience2020@gmail.com